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Nov 26, 2021

Real Estate Today’s latest episode is all about giving your home a  "physical," by checking out its exterior, its windows and doors, its heating & air conditioning systems, and more. We'll tell you what to look for, and what to do if you discover an issue so your home can maintain its highest market value.

Nov 19, 2021

In our latest episode, we talk to the pros about real estate plans, and how to make your home a holiday wonderland! We'll share whether to put your plans to buy or sell on hold during the holidays.

Nov 12, 2021

This week, Real Estate Today examines the financial side of homeownership, and how it helps build generational wealth as well as the barriers to homeownership, and what’s being done to knock them down.

Nov 5, 2021

From mortgage rates to the shift from a solid seller’s market toward a more balanced market, to investment properties, we provide up-to-the-minute information that home buyers, home sellers and homeowners need to know.